Friday, June 27, 2008

Seven Days and Counting

I think that Keara and Devin are getting really excited. We will be leaving on Thursday after I get off work. Then we will be able to have a nice relaxing three days. Keara wants to go swimming. I figure might as well enjoy the time there right. It looks like the weather will be great. Can't wait to have some time off work.
Well back to catching up on the tv shows for the week. Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Life is as busy as ever

It's been a really busy couple of months. Derek and I made the decision that we would start to get the house ready to put on the market. We were hoping by the end of May but as always things don't always happen the way we want. So then I shot for the middle of May and again stuff happened and we got busy again and time ran out on us. Was hoping the middle of June and then I went to the doctor on June 2nd. What fun she requested that I get some tests done. Made me do something I was hoping I could get a way with not having to do yeah right I'm a woman in my late 30's like a doctor would let me not get a Mammgram. She felt something but they can't determine that it's anything but a mass so they are going to have me come back in six months. Boy am I thrilled. Then she is concerned about my high blood pressure. Me High Blood Pressure yeah right. Stressful Job, Stressful Life how can I not have High Blood Pressure. So watching that closely now. I'm hoping that with some life changes, some medication changes, and exercise it will lower without the medicine. Since the stuff she gave me made me so ill I thought I was going to die. So hopefully we can get the house up in Middle of July but if we don't all I can say is the house looks good and we are just a step a head of getting it up the next time.

Busy times begin soon. This weekend we have a family reunion. Next weekend the kids are ready to jump for joy they get to go to their first rock concert and believe it or not it's Styx. We will be spending three days in Logan and enjoying the cool weather. They say it's going to be hot next week. After that we will rest for a week before going to the American Idol Tour on July 14th. Happy Birthday Ryan ! After that we should have really lots of fun. August we will be going to Snowbird for Derek's 20th High School Reunion.

So we are really looking to enjoying he summer. Got to go get dinner. Hope that all the family is doing great.

See you later and talk to you hopefully soon.

Starting Over

Having issues with my other blog. So I have began again. Check this out !

Fun Blogs


Some of My Favorite Styx Songs